How much does it cost to replace a roof on a 1500 square foot house?

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably ready, or at least borderline ready to replace your roof. If you have never done anything like this you are probably wondering how much would a new roof cost? Your home’s roof is clearly important; therefore, it is equally important to ensure your roof is in good condition and able to fulfill its duty of protection. If you are unsure as to whether or not your roof needs replacement, hire a professional roofer to come out to complete an inspection.

A professional can let you know in a span of an hour what your roof’s destiny is. The last thing you want to do is forgo an inspection and pay for an unnecessary replacement rather than a necessary repair. So, how much does a new roof cost? Though, if it is determined your home needs a new roof, keep the below pricing details in mind:

Pricing for a 1500 square foot house

cookie cutter homeThe roofing material used for replacement is the bulk of the cost. Additionally, the chosen material is directly associated with installation. Roofers will be able to install a customary asphalt roof quicker than a slate roof. Moreover, you’ll pay less for labor if you replace your roof with asphalt. Here is the typical breakdown of cost based on the roofing material used:

  • Asphalt: $120 – $400 per 100 square feet—equates to $1,800 to $6,000 for a 1500 square foot house.
  • Slate: $800 – $4,000 per 100 square feet—$12,000 to $60,000 for a 1500 square foot house.
  • Tile: $500 – $4,000 per 100 square feet—$9,000 to $60,000 for a 1500 square foot house.
  • Metal: $500 – $1,800 per 100 square feet—$7,500 to $27,000 for a 1500 square foot house.

(Prices per Angie’s List)

As you can see, an asphalt roof offers the best bargain. Asphalt roofs are the most common in Texas by a long shot. You see tile roofs in dryer areas of the country like in Arizona, and tile and metal are selective roofing options.

Installation Costs

Generally speaking, installation will cost about twice as much as the roofing material. However, installation pricing will vary based on the roofing company that is selected for the job. There are a number of other roofing factors that can influence the cost of installing a roof:

  • Depth, or steepness of the roof
  • Roof layers—teardown of the old roof can be costly
  • Obstacles on the roof—chimney(s), skylights, plumbing pips, etc.
  • Size of the roof
  • Weather—it may take longer for roofers to complete the job if it’s excruciatingly hot outside

So, if you put two and two together, replacing your old roof with an asphalt roof for your 1500 sq. ft. home should cost in the neighborhood of $5,000, with professional installation. All of this information is generalized; you will have a more precise figure to work off of once a professional completes an estimate on your particular roof.

Speaking of professional roof replacement, Daka Roofing will get the job done! We are the top roofing source in the area. Our 15 years of roofing, top-notch service speaks for itself.

Contact Daka Roofing to schedule your free roofing estimate today!